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Types of Production

Teh Botol Sosro
Fruit Tea
Joy Tea
Country Choice

Sosro's Marketing Strategy

Sosro is the biggest tea company in Indonesia. It greatly affects Indonesia's economy. Sosro produces its products for export and national consumer. Sosro is spread across Indonesia and almost every area gets the distribution. As the biggest tea producer in Indonesia, Sosro gives a great impact to Indonesia's economy.

Sosro have received a lot of awards like Top Brand. These awards are mostly about quality control, marketing, success of the company. Sosro's product have dominated Indonesia and have become the biggest tea producer in Indonesia. Sosro also tried to dominate the tea export in Indonesia. Sosro's distribution has reached the ends of Indonesia. Sosro's strategy to be the best starts by their natural recipe. Sosro does not use any preservatives, colorings and every ingredients is natural from Sosro's own plantation. Their factory is also modernized to keep the quality control consistent such as hygiene and safety of their products. Sosro also uses strong marketing strategy such as advertising. Sosro also distribute their products to international market and increase their R&D. Sosro have launched several other products. Sosro also open their company to the public so the public knows. Sosro also exports the products to foreign countries. Sosro's strategies are stable distribution, quality and maintain their trust.

Sosro have dominated Indonesia and tried to export to foreign countries. Sosro have maintained their consistency and always give the best quality for their customers. Sosro received many awards on few subjects.

Usaha Marketing Sosro

Sosro adalah perusahaan yang besar di Indonesia dan itu mengefek ekonomi Indonesia. Sosro memproduksi produknya untuk ekspor serta konsumsi nasional. Sosro telah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan hampir semua daerah menerima pasokan Sosro. Sebagai produsen teh terkenal di Indonesia, Sosro memberi dampak yang sangat besar kepada ekonomi Indonesia.

Sosro telah mendapatkan banyak penghargaan seperti Top Brand. Penghargaan-penghargaan kebanyakan bertuju kepada quality control, marketing, kesuksesan perusahaan itu. Produk Sosro telah mendominasi Indonesia dan telah menjadi produsen teh terbesar di Indonesia. Dimana-mana kita bisa melihat Sosro dan itu tidak bisa lepas dari penglihatan kita di Indonesia. Sosro juga berusaha untuk mendominasi ekspor teh dari Indonesia. Distribusi Sosro sudah merata ke seluruh pelosok Indonesia. Usaha Sosro untuk menjadi terbaik mulai dari resepnya yang asli dan merupakan resep tua Indonesia. Sosro tidak menggunakan pengawet maupun pewarna dan semua bahannya merupakan asli dari kebunnya sendiri. Pabriknya juga dimodernisasi untuk menjaga ketat quality control seperti kebersihan dan keamanan dari produknya. Sosro juga menggunakan marketing yang sangat kuat seperti iklan yang gencar dan sampling. Sosro juga mendistribusikan produknya ke internasional dan meningkatkan R&Dnya. Sosro telah meluncurkan beberapa produk, mempertahankan kualitas, keaslian, kebersihan dan selalu membuat pelanggan senang. Sosro juga membuka perusahaannya kepada publik agar publik tahu. Sosro juga mengekspor produknya ke luar negeri seperti Malaysia, Singapura, Vietnam, Afrika, Austalia, Holland, America, dll. Usaha Sosro juga seperti memberikan distribusi yang stabil, kualitas yang stabil, mempertahankan kepercayaan.

Sosro telah mendominasi Indonesia dan sudah mencoba mengekspor ke luar negeri. Sosro telah mempertahankan konsistensinya dan selalu memberikan kualitas terbaik bagi pelanggannya. Sosro juga sering mendapat penghargaan di berbagai bidang.

Peran Pemerintah Dalam Proses Peluncuran Sosro di Pasuruan

Proses peluncuran Sosro bermula pada tahun 1940 ketika keluarga Sosrodjojo bermula produksi tehnya di Slawi. Mereka bermulai dengan menjual teh kering yang bernama Teh Cap Botol. Kemudian setelah keluarga Sosrodjojo mendapat hasil yang lumayan, mereka mengekspansi ke ibukota pada 1965 dengan berbagai cara yang kurang efisien dan efektif. Kemudian mereka menemukan cara dengan menggunakan botol sebagai media untuk memberi sampling kepada orang-orang di ibukota. Dengan suksesnya penggunaan botolnya maka mereka menamai tehnya Teh Botol. Pada tahun 1974, pabrik Sosro pertama dibuka di dekat ibukota dengan nama Sosro. Sekarang Sosro dikelola oleh cucunya. Sosro mempunyai prinsip kualitas, keamanan, kesehatan, dan ramah lingkungan. Pabrik yang ada di Pasuruan merupakan pabrik terbaru Sosro dan pabrik ke 10 Sosro di Indonesia.

Pemerintah Pasuruan memberikan support penuh kepada Sosro. Pemerintah memberikan support penuh karena itu mengangkat ekonomi Pasuruan. Tempat Pasuruan juga berguna buat Sosro karena sumber airnya yang bersih memberikan rasa yang enak dan segar. Tiap luang waktu tertentu, anggota pemerintah datang ke Sosro untuk mengecek dan menilai kebersihan, keamanan, dan keramahan lingkungannya. Namun Sosro selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk lingkungan dan Pasuruan.

Sekian dari saya. Terima Kasih

The Role of Sosro For Pasuruan Economy

Sosro has been helping a lot in Pasuruan economy like giving a lot of job opportunities for the locals and to increase national economy. Because Sosro is a big producer, it gives the local economy a huge increase like taxes and services. The local Pasuruan people is happy about Sosro because they are also a customer of Sosro and it gives job opportunities. Until now, there is no demonstration at Sosro factory.

Sekian dari saya. Terima Kasih

The Role of Government in Process of Establishment of Sosro Company in Pasuruan

The process of establishment started at 1940 when Sosrodjojo family started producing its tea in Slawi. They started by selling dry tea leaves with the name Teh Cap Botol. Then they tried to expand in 1965 to the nation's capital with a lot of inefficient and ineffective methods. Then they found a way to use bottles as an intermediate to give samples to the people in the nation's capital. With the success of bottle usage, they renamed it to Teh Botol. In 1974, the first Sosro factory is launced near the nation's capital with the name Sosro. Now Sosro is operated by Sosrodjojo's grandchildrens. Sosro uses the principles of quality, safety, health, ecofriendly. The factory at Pasuruan is the newest factory and the 10th Sosro factory in Indonesia.

Pasuruan Government gives their full support to Sosro. Government gives their full support because it raises Pasuruan's economy. Pasuruan is also useful for Sosro because the water supply is fresh and it gives the fresh and delicious taste. The Pasuruan Government comes to Sosro to assess and check the hygiene, safety, and ecofriendliness. Sosro always give the best for the Pasuruan environment.

Sekian dari Saya. Terima Kasih

Peran Sosro Dalam Ekonomi Pasuruan

Sosro telah membantu banyak dalam perekonomian Pasuruan seperti memberikan lapangan kerja untuk lokal dan meningkatkan devisa negara. Karena Sosro merupakan pabrik besar itu memberikan kemajuan pada ekonomi lokal seperti jasa transport dan pajak lokal. Orang lokal Pasuruan menerima Sosro karena mereka merupakan pelanggan Sosro dan itu memberikan peluang kerja bagi mereka. Tidak ada demo pada pabrik Sosro di Pasuruan itu.

Sekian dari saya. Terima Kasih

Tentang Sosro

Sosro adalah perusahaan minuman teh terbesar di Indonesia. 
Dengan sejarahnya yang unik, Sosro telah mempunyai nama di Indonesia. Hampir tidak ada orang di Indonesia generasi sekarang yang tidak tahu mengenai Sosro. Produk terlama dan tersuksesnya adalah Teh Botol yang muncul dengan ide yang jenius dari pendirinya. Nama Teh Botol berasal dari kemasannya yaitu botol. Tehnya berasal dari teh kering yang dari Sosro sendiri. Perusahaan yang sudah lama berdiri ini telah membangun gambar di Indonesia maupun negara luar.

Sekian Dari Saya. Terima Kasih.

About Sosro

Sosro is Indonesia's largest tea company.
With its unique history, Sosro has a name in Indonesia. Almost no person in Indonesia that doesn't know Sosro. The most successful product is Teh Botol that has the unique idea from its founder. The name Teh Botol came from its packaging which is a bottle. Botol is bottle in Indonesia. The tea came from dry tea leaves from Sosro itself which gives it its unique taste. This historic company has a good image in Indonesia and foreign countries.

Sekian Dari Saya Terima Kasih.

The Process of Making Teh Botol Sosro

Teh Botol Sosro is a drink that is delicious and very good. In Indonesia Teh Botol Sosro is a drink that cannot be evaded by its fans. Earlier, Teh Botol Sosro was only produced in bottles that is unique during its time. But, after the increase of demand Sosro made a few new packaging. But the original taste and recipe is the same. The recipe is still traditional since 1950. Now Sosro have 10 industries across Indonesia. With the production power reaching export standards, Sosro can produce a lot of drink varieties. Each industry have its own specialty. Every industry produce international standardized product and the production process is modernized with automated machinery. Its ingredients is also exclusive.

This article will explain about Teh Botol Sosro which is produced at Sosro's newest factory in Mojokerto. Teh Botol Sosro is produced with the same methods and recipe at all of Sosro's factory even if the machine is different. The basic ingredients are water, sugar and Sosro's fragrant tea. Sosro's fragrant tea is Sosro's own tea which is mixed with melati or gambir flower that gives its fragrant smell. Some of the production machines are palletizer, mixer, decrater, crate washer, crowner, video jet printer, EBI, etc. The process of making Teh Botol Sosro starts with the extraction of tea from Sosro's own plantation that are located in Cianjur, Garut, Pengalengan, Tasikmalaya. The tea is also handpicked because only a few leaves is taken. The tea is then dried and sent to the factories. The sugar comes from industry-grade grained sugar. The water comes from 150m deep land water. The water is then sterilized. The water is heated so the bacterias will die. The sugar is then liquidized. At the same time, the tea is boiled in a tank with water and the sugar. The tea is then heated to sterilize it. The bottles that are already used are washed to prepare it for a new batch. The hot tea is then inserted into the bottle or the prepared packaging. All of the done product are inspected by Quality Control. Quality Control inspects a product using 4 methods that are physical, microbiological, chemical and organoleptic (sample tasting). The waste from the production is then neutralized with the machine. The neutralized water is then used to water plants, breed fish and the neutralized water is purely harmless to the environment.

To us, Sosro is a company that is very environmental friendly and its product is consistent. We are Sosro's customer because we like Teh Botol and Fruit Tea. Sosro has advanced in industrial to give the best product that is environmental friendly.

Sekian dari saya. Terima Kasih




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